The Vampirates series by Justin Somper tells the story of 14 year-old twins Grace and Connor Tempest. Their story begins in Demons of the Ocean when, after the tragic death of their father, the twins head out to sea. They are caught in a vicious storm and are seperated by the current. Connor is saved by Cheng Li, a young deputy aboard the pirate ship The Diablo. He is brought aboard and made one of the crew, where he enjoys an exciting life of piracey and adventure. Meanwhile, Grace on the other hand is rescued by 17 year-old Lorcan Fury, who pulls her out of the seething ocean and aboard the Vampirate ship The Nocturn. Throughout this series you get to journy with the Tempest twins through all of the excitment, and terror of their lives aboard two very different kinds of Pirate Ships.
Most recently I read The Blood Captain. While I was reading this book I was Grace and I was risking everything for the people I loved. I was brave and strong. Books offer great escapes and fantastic adventures, and this is one journey that you don't want to miss!
Happy Reading!