This novel by Stephenie Meyer first took the world by storm in 2005 after a two year writing and publication period. The film version of this awe-inspiring novel has caused an entirely new wave of fans and obsession that has sent the entire series and author sky-rocketing to stardom.
I must confess that I have read this book at least 5 times in the last year and am completly in love with nearly everything about it. I finished Twilight in 2 days only coming out of my room for the neccesities (food, ect.). I nearly died of anticipation while waiting for the library to get the second book in the series in on an interlibrary loan, and repeated the process again with Eclipse, the third installment in this quartet of fabulously amazing novels. I also have to say that I threw my own Breaking Dawn party at the release of the fourth and final addition to this captivating series. I read the first 4 or 5 chapters of Breaking Dawn while walking through Wal-Mart "helping" my mother grocery shop, and finished the book within two days of picking it up at the library. (I had a hold on it for 3 months before it hit the shelves!) Through this book I have made some very valuable friends and become amazingly closer to pre-Twilight friends.
Now that you have been "inside my obsession", you can probably deduce that I highly reccommend the story of 17-year old Bella Swan and the mysterious Cullen family to anyone, and everyone, that can possibly get their hands on this book. Whether you like to read, or have never read a book in your life, this is a fantastic place to turn for an unforgettable adventure!